Sep 10Liked by Sarah Driver

Amen and Amen! Thank you for sharing your testimony and the reason for your hope! We are called to give the reason when asked and you have done so most eloquently. God is so good and so faithful! It is true that with God, all things are possible.

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Oh Sarah. Thank you for sharing your soul here. God's promise to you is a beautiful one - true and irrevocable. Cling to it, and let no one take it. Our night at the article writing gathering in Grand Rapids still brings me many smiles. You are a light.

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Thank you so much Michelle. I loved getting to meet you! Thank you for affirming this promise ❤️

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Aug 12Liked by Sarah Driver


Thank you for sharing your intimate and transparent testimony. It’s my belief that cancer is a “thing” that has to bow to Christ. Apply Isaiah 53:5.

My dad passed when I was 11. Complications from cancer, pneumonia actually, took his life, but not before Christ saved him.

I am so thankful for the change I witnessed as a child when God put our family in Divine Order. No, everything wasn’t perfect, but a child-noticeable, Christ-focused shift occurred. We had been “Church goers” all our lives. My father started to pierce the darkness by leading us into the light.

In my finite thinking I perceived that the enemy of humanity took my father out. He’s a casualty of the spiritual war we’ve all been in since Gen. 3. The enemy doesn’t play fair. Remember, he’s already defeated, impotent, and a counterfeit, a fraud, the father of lies, leader of fools, and a bully.


Teach your children to have a relationship with the Triune God. The Kingdom of God is within the born-again believer. Age or size doesn’t matter in God’s Kingdom. He’ll work through the born-again, Holy, available vessels surrendered to His will. Teach your children to fear the Lord and to fear nothing more.

Be encouraged. I testify, ABBA is the Perfect Father. He’ll father you, your children, & all who will acknowledge Him. His discipline hurts but is good for us.

I have the Hope of seeing Christ face to face and seeing my father again when it’s my turn to go or when Christ Returns, which ever comes first.

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Amen amen! Thank you for reading and sharing your experience. God is such a good shepherd who loves to love us even when things are devastating. So glad to hear your story ❤️

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Aug 12Liked by Sarah Driver

Sarah, your words and your vulnerability are a good good gift to us. We love you so.

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Thank you so much Margot ❤️❤️

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Aug 12Liked by Sarah Driver

Sarah, thank you for sharing here so bravely and honestly. I am another Redbud sister, and also among the countless people you’ve never met who will be praying for you and your family on this journey

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That means so much Maggie. Thank you!

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Aug 12Liked by Sarah Driver

Thank you Sarah for your words. The verse God gave you tells me He sees you as giving life to others around you-“leaves are always green” speaks to how intentionally He’s using you thru all of this. It’s a beautiful thing to bring glory to Him & point others accordingly. Thank you.

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Oh Diane thank you so much for leaning into this promise with me!

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Sarah, you are such a beautiful and brave soul! Seeing you in person in GR showed me that you are not letting that diagnosis boss you around. This same passage in Jeremiah helped me navigate our own family journey with cancer and grief. May it anchor you daily. Love you, sister!

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Wow Dorina! Thanks so much for sharing this. I love hearing that it was the same passage for you ❤️ It really is a beautiful anchor. Thank you.

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“Your diagnosis is NOT the boss of your prognosis. The One who made you and called you and loves you is the Boss of you.” I love that, and I’m praying for you.

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Thank you for your faithful prayers from the beginning Judy!

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Aug 12Liked by Sarah Driver

Agree and agree, Judy.

Sarah: praying Jeremiah 17:7-8 for you and your family.


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Thank you sooooo much Carole ❤️

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deletedAug 12Liked by Sarah Driver
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Thank you so much Linda!

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